為提供更優質專業的訓練,OSEA Aquatics Academy與International Sports Group 國際體育集團達成戰略合作協議,於2018年1月1日起,全權負責暨下品牌NIKE Sports Camps大中華區游泳培訓,OSEA感謝各位一直以來的支持,期待新的一年以新的形象繼續為學員們提供更專業的游泳課程,特此聲明。謝謝!
In order to provide more professional and higher quality of training, OSEA Aquatics Academy and International Sports Group have reached a strategic cooperation agreement. Starting from January 1, 2018, we will be solely responsible for the swimming training in Greater China Region of the brand - NIKE SPORTS CAMPS. OSEA appreciate all of your support over the years and we look forward to providing more professional swimming training in the new year with our new image. Thank you!
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