Eligibility & Notes
- 歡迎有興趣的男女學員報名。
- 所有課程不會提供任何補課安排,只會視作缺席論,並不會退還缺席款項,敬請留意。
- 未滿十八歲的申請人必須由其家長或監護人簽署聲明書後,才可參加課程。
- 參加者須把填妥的申請表格連同寫有「奧斯運動管理有限公司」的劃線支票,寄回以下地址﹕
- 本學院保留拒絕任何參加者參加訓練的權利。
Eligibility & Notes
- Our training programs is open to both male and female attendees.
- All make up lesson is no longer be provided for any reasons, no refund will be arranged.
- Applicants below the age of 18 will be asked to complete a declaration completed and signed by their parents.
- All applicants should return the completed enrolment, parent declaration and accident waiver forms along with a cheque payable to:「O-Sea Sports Management Limited」, and return to P.O.BOX 62493, KWUN TONG POST OFFICE, KOWLOON.
- We reserves the right to disallow anyone from taking part in training program.
Inclement Weather Arrangements
- 黑色暴雨信號;或8號預警(即天文台在確定發出8號信號前的兩小時內發出之預警信息);或
- 8號或以上熱帶氣旋警告。
- 惟如上述暴雨信號或熱帶氣旋警告於課堂開始前3個小時已除下,課堂將照常進行。
Should Pre-No.8 / Black Rainstorm Signal special announcement (an advance notice to the public issued when the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 / Black Rainstorm is expected within two hours), tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm signal is in force 3 hours before the lesson, all lessons will be cancelled.
All classes will resume normal when the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm signal were lowered 3 hours before the lesson starts.